Interactive Whiteboard Tools for the Classroom

Not only does HEE provide games and lessons, you can also download free tools and small games that you can add to your own lessons right now. I'm always open to new ideas for tools, so if you have one in mind, feel free to contact me via social media or my email. ~Griffy
Download Teaching Tools and Games
This is a student name randomizer tool. This is a free tool that you can use to randomly select a student in your class.

Race to Fluency is a classroom game you can download straight to your computer! Your English students answer questions and race their car to the finish in this simple game. Ultimately, it's a points tracker for your class.

In Get the Bananas, your students help their bananas climb their trees to reach the delicious bananas at the top and win! They do so by answering questions, spinning the dice and dropping coconuts on the other teams!

The classic arcade game Whack a Mole comes to the ESL classroom! Your students answer questions and then smack the moles. This game has several modes to play: teams, memory, and class mode. Download right to your computer and use on your smart board.

The Snowman game plays the same as the classic classroom English game, Hangman. However, in this IWB game of Snowman, the students need to guess the word before the snowman is built and melts!

This is one of my favorite warm ups I use in my classes. Simply line your students up one by one, pick a time (from 30 to 120 seconds), and ask as many questions as you can before time the bomb explodes.

This is a Space themed timer that you can use in your class. It's fully animated and has built-in sounds. You can set it to count up or down.

Part of great classroom management comes down to clear rules. Rules help students understand your expectations of them. Rules help maintain order and lead to fair and balanced lessons. A key to having a healthy classroom is having the right rule set. These are the rules I use in class.

Spinner Game Maker - Game
Part of great classroom management comes down to clear rules. Rules help students understand your expectations of them. Rules help maintain order and lead to fair and balanced lessons. A key to having a healthy classroom is having the right rule set. These are the rules I use in class.

This is a spooky themed spinner for Halloween. It has two play modes: one is a versus mode intended for 2-4 teams of students to play. The other game mode is a trick or treat mode where students can get a trick (ghost) or a treat (candy).

This is a simple tool that you can use to talk about the current day, date, month, weather, and temperature. This is a one page tool but is very versatile. Good to use as a warm up activity.
Worgle is a spelling game that you can play with your whole class! Set the timer and then roll the letter dice. Students then try to write as many words using only those letters. This includes a built in timer, too!

This is a simple spinner/wheel themed around Thanksgiving. This spinner has two game modes. In the first mode, all of the point values are positive. In the second mode, the spinner has two -20 point spaces.

This is a simple spinner/wheel themed around Christmas. This spinner has two game modes. In the first mode, the point values are set by the game. In the second mode, you can adjust the points easily by editing an included text file.

This is a Christmas themed timer that you can use in your class. It's fully animated and has built-in sounds. You can set it to count up or down.

Mister Sneezer is a gross little game that has your students pulling our nose hairs from the titular nose character. Each round, one hair is a special trigger. Pulling that hair will cause Mister Sneeze to sneeze and cover the screen with green goop...and a prize trophy!
Each round is randomized so the nose hair trigger is unknown to even the teacher.